UPWard Orthodontics, Office of Dr. Darin Ward, opens in Houghton, 2021

UPWard Orthodontics, Office of Dr. Darin Ward, opens in Houghton, 2021

We live, work, and play right here in Houghton!

Skip the 95 mile drive. Avoid having your teeth extracted and your face retracted.

Dr. Darin and his team provide a highly specialized approach to orthodontics that is focused on preventing invasive procedures, such as extractions, headgear or surgery. The UPWard Ortho approach combines different orthodontic techniques and rest oral posture training to help patients achieve their uniquely beautiful smile, and also to address critical life-long health issues with a holistic view of proper facial growth and development and proper oral rest posture.

At UPWard Ortho, we know from experience that every patient is different, and you can be sure that Dr. Ward will provide you with a specialized treatment plan that fits your specific desires, needs, and goals.

Learn more about our approach and our services ยป